Pour admirer Hicham El Jakh en train "d'interpréter" son poème:
"هشام الجخ: "التأشيرة

إنقر على الصورة لمشاهدة الفيدو

Traduction anglaise
The visa
Poem By: Hisham Al-Jakh (Egypt)
I praise in God's name Except you and I fear no one I know I have my destiny and I'll it meet it.... I'll meet it I learned in childhood that my Identity (Arabism) is my honor And forelock and banner In our schools, we were repeating some rimes We were singing amongst ourselves for instants example Arab countries are my country - And all the Arabs are my brothers We draw an Arab svelte graceful His chest would block the wind if howl in his mantle We were pure children Our feelings move us We moonlighted in the tales that spoke of heroism And our country extends from (one end to another) the maximum to the maximum And our wars were all for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
And our enemy is Zion Is a Satan has a tail And the armies of our nation Has a deed like a Torrent I'll sail when I grow up
I'll pass by Bahrain's beach in Libya I'll pick the dates of Baghdad in Syria And pass from Mauritania to Sudan I travel through Mogadishu to Lebanon
I hide poems in my heart and sentiment Arab countries are my country - And all the Arabs are my brothers
As I grew older I did not get a visa to the sea Did not set sail , The unstamped passport by the window stopped me Did not cross When I grew older Did not set sail did not cross I grew up But the child did not grow up We fought our childhood
And ideas we learned our principles on your hands O the rulers of our nation We tormented our Childhood And ideas we learned their principles on your hands O the rulers of our nation Aren't you the ones we brought up in your schools? We learned your curriculums
We learned on your hands that the sly fox is waiting to eat the naive sheep if he remained in his deep slumber Didn't you teach that straws are protected by its bundle and weak when is singular Why the foolish division rules us Aren't you the ones who we learned on your hand Steadfast to faith in God and Unite? Why do you obscure the sunlight with your flags? You divided our Identity between yourselves as an income we have become like beasts
The child will remain in my chest antagonizing you We got divide on your hands Strayed and lost I am an Arab not ashamed I was born in green Tunisia of Omani origin And I am more than a "thousand and my mother still pregnant I am an Arab in Baghdad I have a palm tree And in Sudan arteries I'm an Egyptian of Mauritania, Djibouti and Oman Christian, Sunni, Shiite and Kurd, and Druze and Alawi I do not save the names and as the rulers leave We got dispersed on your hands And all the people are pigmented We are tired of dispersing and all the people are pigmented You filled our thoughts with lies, forgery and falsehood Do God's hand unite us and FIFA's hand divide us Deliberately forsaken our religion So we came back Aws and Khazraj(Old Arab Tribes) Our ignorance looms within us And we await stupidity for a way out Whatever rulers of our nation the child remain in my chest antagonizing you Judge you And will declare our Arab nation united Sudan is not divided Not Golan occupied
Nor Lebanon Refracted treating its wound alone Will gather our Arabian gulf's pearls and cultivate them in the Sudan Its seed will yield wheat Arabian Morocco People will press oil in proud Palestine Relative drink it in Somalia for ever Will come out of mantle with God blessings
For public burning He is the public not you He is the rulers do not you Do you hear me Hordes (Oppressor tools)? Do you hear me the bureaus of bastion of your government He is the Rulers not you I'm not afraid of anyone of you He is Islam not you so stop your commerce
Or else he will become an apostate And feared the people that this roustabout And the camel that propagated
You will not get its milk nor get its calf I'm staying and my legitimacy in the air remains
We were fed injustice by containers We were fed ignorance by prayers Fed up with watering and sommelier I warn you We will stay despite your sedition! This nation is connected Your bondage are weakened But God's bondage is steadfast I'll grow up leaving the child My colors and my brush And he will remain painting the Arab Svelte graceful It remains sound of my rimes Arab countries are my country - And all the Arabs are my brothers
Hisham Al-Jakh
Commentaires des juges de l'émission "Prince des poètes" sur le poème de Hicham el Jakh

تعليق لجنة التحكيم علي قصيدة التاشيرة للشاعر هشام الجخ
إنقر على الصورة لمشاهدة الفيدو